Gerard will excite you with his masculine yet gentle hands that will take you to heavenly bliss. He is young yet well educated with a strong masculine body. His deep knowledge of tantric massage will leave your body feeling satisfied from the erotic massage. You will be in good company of a gorgeous and most talented masseur with strong arms and kind fingers.

As a professional therapist, this fit and toned young man will keep you relaxed throughout the massage. With the deep tissue, tantric light massage you will leave you feeling all rejuvenated. His erotic massage service is best for both men and women. As an outcall erotic masseur, he will attend to your needs in your hotel room or in our luxurious massage centre.

As a male erotic masseur he is our most sought after therapist, probably for his gift of exciting clients’ senses with his bare hands. His passion for erotic massages can be felt in the way he deals with his clients. He understands the art of satisfaction and works towards bringing full on sensual action to his clients. Most times, he will be on outcall massages taking care of his clients in their homes or in hotels.

Booking a session with Gerard will ensure all your sexual tension is released through the tantric massage. He gets it right the first time and all the time as you experience sensual pleasure in every touch. Stop reading his reviews and experience the real orgasmic experience from him, already!

Ready to enjoy one of the best sensorial experiences in your life?

Feel free to contact us at any time, we will take care of everything to make your erotic massage session perfect.